About this event
WALK-UPS WILL BE ACCEPTED (120/day competitor maximum)
Additional information on lodging, food, schedule, etc. - http://scca-cpr.com/site/cone-killer-classic/
Every competitor MUST attend our online driver's meeting and read information on our website:
Cone Killer Classic 18 Event Information
- Saturday counts at Event 5, Sunday as Event 6 for CPR series points
- Additional information on lodging, food, etc. - http://scca-cpr.com/site/cone-killer-classic/
- Event T-Shirt for all 2-day competitors registered by June 30th included FREE with registration
- Additional shirts will be available for purchase at the event if you miss the cutoff, but sizes and quantity can not be guaranteed.
- Additional long sleeve shirt options! Long sleeve cotton, 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover, hoodie, and UV-protection LS shirt with and without hood. These may ONLY be pre-ordered before June 30th. None of these special shirts will be available to buy at the event. (Shirt questions specifically email assistantre@scca-cpr.com)
- Contact Ryan Lower - ConeKiller@scca-cpr.com
- Please read our Competition Rules and Site Regulations
- Friday Schedule (Optional)
- Setup - 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Welcome Party/BBQ - 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM (if you can bring a pot luck item please email Ryan Lower or AssistantRE)
- Early Registration/Check-in/Tech Inspection - 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
- Saturday/Sunday Event Schedule
- Registration - 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
- Tech Inspection - 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
- Walk course - 8:00 AM - 9:40 AM
- Novice Meeting/Walk - 9:00 AM - 9:40 AM
- Mandatory Driver's Meeting - 9:45 AM
- First car off - 10:00 AM
- Awards presented Sunday after cleanup & FOD Walk has been completed
- Cost is $65 for SCCA members and $90 for non-members (per day), $120 for SCCA Members and $170 for non-members (FULL WEEKEND w/discount for registering for the full weekend). Members MUST have their SCCA Membership card present for discount. ALL competitors MUST have their driver's license to participate.
- Solo Supplemental Rules - Official Regional Amendments to the SCCA Solo Rulebook
- FOOD ON SITE for breakfast & lunch both days. Cash preferred, but cards can be accepted with additional processing fee.
Items that a competitor will be charged for if they hit/damage them.
- Runway Lights
- $250 – this is what the club is charged by the airport, competitors that damage lights will be charged this amount and will have 60 days to pay/make payment arrangements.
- Timing Equipment
- Up to $750.
Details of additional shirts for 2025:
Event requirements
Minor presence/participation at events
- All competitors or passengers under the age of 18 must have a minor waiver signed by both parents or legal guardians.
- All guests staying exclusively in the spectator area, under the age of 18 must have a minor waiver signed by at least one parent or legal guardian.
- If unsure, please read Section 4.13 from the Solo Rulebook. The waiver should be signed in the presence of an SCCA member. If the parents or guardians are unable to attend the event to sign the waiver, please contact one of the officers to make arrangements to have the waiver signed before the event.
Additional Solo Information
- Solo Rulebook - This official SCCA Solo Rulebook
- Solo Forms - Official SCCA forms and applications
- The Solo Novice Handbook - How do I get started in Solo?
- Which class is your car in? Find which stock class your car is in or Get all details from the Rule Book
SCCA - Central Pennsylvania Region
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